(We guarantee that we can make you 100% hotter)
disclaimer; *will make you hot (to employers, that is). we hold zero liability for anyone purchasing a membership in the belief it will make them as hot as Paris Hilton (it won't)
(£9.99 INSTEAD OF £15)

"Word Tonic is so supportive and filled with love. Being a member has built up my confidence in myself and my skills in ways I can’t explain, it’s lead to me to get a copywriting and marketing role because I built a portfolio through the platform, and the masterclasses gave me the confidence to get there. I’ve been a member since May 2024 and it’s the best thing just even for myself I have ever done."
~Katie Dawkins~
Become a copywriter NOW
*holds a strawberry lace to your throat*
(you'll get a little first month discounted trial..)
Hi, hello, HEY.
We're Word Tonic; a online community and learning platform for people who want to learn how to become copywriters from scratch.
Still confused?
Think of Duolingo and Netflix.
We're basically a combination of the two, but we're TOTALLY focused on helping you get your foot into the writing industry with the help of brands like Google and Spotify.
Join us and you'll get access to LIVE online masterclasses with real writers from real brands like LEGO. And Spotify. And Marvel. And Nat Geo.

And remember how we said we're like Duolingo but for writers?
Well, that's because we don't just force-feed a bunch of masterclasses down your throat and leave you on your own to figure out the rest.
We also test you - get you to put into practice what you learn in masterclasses.
Give you briefs and exercises so you have work to show for when applying to copywriting gigs.​

We even do live writing challenges set by REAL brands, so you can also put 'real' writing on your portfolio. Like that time we did a writing challenge with MYC; a creative advertising agency.
The winner literally got a copywriting work experience placement day at ~that~ agency!

Word Tonic was created entirely by gen-z, for gen-z
And yes, that does mean we don't accept membership from people over 28 - sorry, you're not gen-z! There are other platforms out there that you can join.
(This is a safe space for our generation of writers)
But a little about us...
​The ominous voice that's talking to you right now is me, Carolyn - one of the founders of Word Tonic. I'm 24 years old and started my copywriting journey at 18.
My journey into this career was kinda weird and tbh, shitty. I didn't have a degree (I DID go to uni but ended up having to quit because I couldn't afford it).

I also grew up in a family of alcoholics. Every day I'd come back from school, wondering when the next big blow out would happen. And it would happen. All the time.​​​​

Throughout this whole period, writing was always my knight in shining armour. It wasn't a guy, it wasn't a girl - it was just writing.​ It gave me an escape, and I'm so incredibly grateful for the fact I AM writing for a living now and in such a happy place.
Not to get weird, but there's a reason I'M SO HORNY for this career.
And it's because it got me out of that situation.​
It allowed me to move out and get away from the craziness.​
And it gave me the chance to be different to my parents.
And it showed me I could use my passion in the world of work; I could get paid to write and be happy, whimsical, and creative all day.
So I created Word Tonic because it's something I wish I'd had when I started out. I created it to be way more accesible than £9000 adschool degrees and £1000 courses.
​(of course, it still costs money - getting speakers on from brands like Google and moderating an entire community of 1,700 people isn't easy!)
​But it's so much more doable and easier to access than those shitty platforms that promise to make you a six figure copywriter (they won't). It's literally the same price as a large pizza meal deal from Domino's.​
check out our archive of masterclasses
join us today and you'll be able to access the entire archive (this is just a small selection; there's more than 80+ waiting for you).

copywriting masterclass with Duolingo
Join us and dive into a copywriting masterclass we did with Kevin Daley, a senior associate creative director at Duolingo - where her shared his tips on breaking into the industry as a young person from scratch
travel writing masterclass with National Geographic

Join Word Tonic and watch the full masterclass we did with Chris Tharp, a senior writer at Nat Geo who shares his secrets on getting into travel writing.

how to write for toy brands with Mattel
In the world of copywriting, you can write for ANY brand. Including TOYS! Once you join us, you can watch a masterclass we did with a senior lead copywriter at Mattel; David I. He literally gets paid to write about Barbie and Hot Wheels all day.
how to write funny with Ryanair

If you don't know Ryanair, they're a low budget UK airline with a crazy social media presence - so NATURALLY we had to do a masterclass with their social media manager, Amy.

how to write scripts for radio with Spotify
Into scriptwriting? We do masterclasses on ALL types of writing - we even did one with Spotify's lead scriptwriter - Esther Opoku.
how to write for games with Nintendo

Love gaming AND writing? In the world of copywriting, you can combine the two and become a games writer! If you join us, you can dive into a copywriting masterclass we did with Tim Bungeroth, a writer who's written for gaming systems like Nintendo - as well as full ON games like Fortnite.
writing workshop with Monzo
(how to stand out in applications)
copywriting Q&A
with Converse copywriter

OH and we're made for busy people...

Nearly half of all people who join Word Tonic are either at uni.
Orrrrrr they're busy in a part-time/full-time job that they don't realllllly want to do.
(because they'd rather write for a living!)
So if you fall into that category, DON'T STRESS.
Word Tonic is literally made for busy schedules. All masterclasses are always recorded, so you don't have to come to them live (you can if you want to, though).
And all the briefs/exercises are saved and stored, so you can come back to them later.
The key here is to take baby steps. Join us, spend at least 10 minutes once a week working on your copywriting career and it WILL pay off. It's what Priya did. She joined while at uni, took baby steps and thanks to THAT managed to land a part time copywriting job - before she'd even graduated:​​
We're also super chill. We're a subscription based service, so you can cancel and dip out anytime you want - and return later too.
why people love it
*aka, why you can trust us

Join Word Tonic now
so get in before we close membership
Join our platform and get a monthly subscription so you can learn how to write for a living in 2025 with weekly online copywriting masterclasses + more.
Cancel anytime.
*we are global, so we're available in all countries. We do bill in £ though; this ensures your membership doesn't fluctuate with currency exchange rates.
A lil reminder of what you get if you join us...

✨ Live copywriting masterclasses with brands like Google
*don't believe us? Here's a sneak peek at a session we did with a National Geographic copywriter*
✨ Real writing challenges set by real brands
(where you can win prizes)
*last month's was in partnership with MYC, a creative Agency in Manchester. The winner actually got a one day copywriting work experience placement ~at~ the agency:

✨ And a supportive community of more than 900+ other young writers (like you) that you can chat with + get advice from.
*seriously. we don't just do copywriting masterclasses. we also just hang out and get to know other writers together. like that time we hopped on a call and debated waffles vs pancakes
Proud to be
featured in...
All the online publications we've been featured in
“A haven of career and craft advice.”
“Word Tonic community helps members navigate the copywriting world - it provides them with peer support and learning opportunities.”
“A safe space for Gen Z writers to connect, collaborate, and learn new skills.”
“A space for budding (and newbie) copywriters to develop their craft and find like-minded copywriters – as well as their clients and audience."​
Read member stories
Be inspired by other young people who've joined Word Tonic and read about their journeys into writing for a living.
If they can do it and become copywriters from scratch, YOU can too!
(just join us and begin your journey - and remember; it's YOUR journey. So do it at your own pace. We're here to help each step of the way)
That time I joined a gen-z
copywriting community
~Amy Worgan~

Copywriting. What is it? How do you do it? Why do you do it?
All questions I get asked every time I mention this fun side-hustle I've gotten myself into.
I’ve known about copywriting for years but was put off by all the ‘5 years B2B SEO experience’ job posts I saw on LinkedIn. I felt like I needed a whole degree in strange new acronyms before I could even start.
I knew from experience I could write, but was so disheartened by how gated the community felt – like it was invite-only, or you had to have years of experience by the age of 18, at which point I was too busy being completely overwhelmed that I was technically a legal adult to worry about things like LinkedIn.
So, what changed?!
I’d like to say ‘my mindset’ to appease all the kind of people who say ‘the grind never stops’ unironically, and technically, it’s true, but something big came into my life first.
I was getting ready for another shift at the shop I worked in, sat cross-legged by my full-length mirror, when I realised I’d gotten a message request from someone called Carolyn. I almost disregarded it as spam, went on with my day, but by chance I checked it out. Thank God I did, or I wouldn’t be writing this post.
Carolyn runs an online copywriting community called WordTonic, made for and ran by Gen-Z copywriters. I’d been following her page for a few months – I can’t remember how I stumbled across it originally, but occasionally I did a nose-exhale laugh at her copywriting memes when on an Instagram doom-scroll-deep-dive… We’ve all been there.
(I’ve also just realised Carolyn sent her message on April Fools. What a great coincidence).
She saw that I’d liked one of their posts and if I’d thought about joining the community. She used :) emoticons and said ‘lol’ at the end of sentences.
Within 5 minutes I’d signed up and given her £9.99 for the first month, with £15.00 set to recur monthly.
Look - I’m a cheapskate, and I’m not shy in admitting it. I saved half of my student loan in my first year of university because I wrote down every purchase I made and refused to go over my £15 budget for the whole week. I walked an hour uphill in the snow for a 9am lecture instead of paying £2 for the bus. I survived on 20p savers noodles and saw own-brand snacks like chocolate and crisps as luxury. The idea of casually buying a Starbucks would send me into shock.*
*I should clarify – please DON’T do this. There’s budgeting, and there’s being dumb and restricting yourself. Your body is an amazing thing and deserves to be well-fuelled. I was silly and now think that mindset is horrific. Get that take-out coffee. Do things that make the day easier. You deserve it.
The point is – Carolyn is a GOOD businesswoman. For me to go from doing maths with pennies to see what the best value is, to, with no hesitation, handing over a recurring sum of money to a stranger over one single DM, takes quite a bit of doing.
I think, looking back (this was only two months ago, but it feels like a year) that I was so desperate to get out of retail and do something I was passionate about, that it seemed like a worthy investment.
And, well, I have a blog, a portfolio, a spot guest-writing on the WordTonic newsletter and now I write fulltime for Semrush, all because of the advice I've gotten from WT. If that’s not a #grindset, I don’t know what is.
I am the most motivated I have been in months. I do things I find genuinely fun and challenging as exercises on my lunch breaks. I have great (and sometimes completely random) conversations with other copywriters my age from all over the world.
This is a very long-winded way of saying IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO START WRITING. IF IT FEELS RIGHT, GRAB IT AND DON'T LET GO. Do all the research you possibly can - on your commute, on your lunch break, listen to a podcast about it in the shower. But also, be kind to yourself. This is such a flexible profession - you can make it work for you.
But you've got to want it! And I have never wanted something like I want this!
Author to teacher,
to lost in the woods!
~Priya Rohella~

So, like everybody else I had no clue what I was doing after graduating uni and my journey was far from linear, but hey, who’s is?
I did a course in English and Creative writing (killer BTW, miss it), but as much as it was fun, it left me confused and struggling in terms of what careers I could make out of it. There was the obvious ones: English teacher, librarian, Author… so in the end, that’s what I did, I was gonna be an author, baby!
Except… being an author was harder than I thought. I can hear you, I bet you’re thinking, ‘oh, she found it too difficult to write a book’. Well, no, surprisingly, writing it wasn’t the hard part, the hard part was marketing the damn thing once it was all published! Like I seriously spent two years writing, editing and structuring a whole 300 paged novel with a HOT front cover yet I managed to sell only 50 copies before it went flat.
I was gutted.
Then… I-D-E-A! I would be an author (but only on the weekends) and I’d devote the rest of my time to training to become an English teacher. Spoiler alert: I didn’t learn from the first time of picking from the ‘what jobs English students should do’ list.
Training to become teacher was MANIC! I did a 4-month course and worked my butt-off. The school was far from home, it was run-down, it was in an area full of crime, the children were bored, the parents were scary- I was petrified!
The last straw for me was when I was left to meet my class and was told ‘here’s your class, teach em’. Like what… I thought this was TRAINING not whatever this was turning out to be. After a week I resigned and was back to square one: job searching. So I did what every miserable child does when they fail at something, I went and asked my mum for advice.
‘Don’t rule out schools until you try being a teaching assistant’ is what she told me and so I was on the next part of my career journey… I was going to be an author on the weekends (again) and be a full-time TA for the rest of the week. Except… I didn’t get the full-time position. Woe is me!
Life is unfair and all that boo. Regardless, I took the job, what option did I have? (Hold that thought because turns out I did have a secret option that I just didn’t know about yet…), I was a part-time TA and a part time writer. Honestly, it wasn’t so bad. I got to help other young students; I got to write books and poems and the occasional script.
But something still felt empty. I was still hungry to write, hungry to publish more work, hungry to make a difference with the written word. But how to do it? T
hen, I came across an Instagram post by… ‘WORD TONIC’ What was this Word Tonic, why did it intrigue me, why did it seem to resonate with my writing soul? Well, turns out Word Tonic was all about Copywriting. Now, I heard about copywriting, but I had no idea what it was, at least that’s what I thought.
• Blogs • Telly Ads • Billboards • Posters • Video game ads
This was all copywriting, and it looked interesting… I did some research, and it was legit. I could sign up to Word Tonic and get into copywriting, I could get great copywriting tips, network with writers my age, and best of all, practice how to write like a copywriter!
Subscription brought, and I was in… this was the start of my copywriting journey. The first thing I did was message the founder of WT (super welcoming and friendly), who showed me around the WT discord sever and introduced me to forums and other writers who got my vibe. Then I went straight into writing for the WT anthology and tried out my first copy brief.
They were experiences that reminded me how much writing excited me, how I wanted to write for life, instead of being dulled by an everyday career that slowly breaks me.
But- I had one more IMPORTANT DESCISION to make: There was an optional copywriting course provided by Word Tonic, discounted for their members that I now was! Was I going to pay for the WT copywriting course straight off the bat? No, and yes. I messaged Carolyn (the founder!), and they gave me a lengthy email on everything I needed to know about the copywriting course. Again, it was legit, and compared to the other bullshit courses out there, it actually seemed like it would benefit poor lost and confused me.
Currently I am doing the Word Tonic Copywriting course, (FYI, this blog post was actually homework that is part of the course. Yes, I am a homework nerd, and I love it!) I’m taking my time to really soak it all in, and gain copywriting knowledge, one golden nugget of information at a time. And yeah if you are wondering… My new career goal is to be a weekend author (again, again) and hopefully write copy for the rest of the non-author hours, or you know… I’ll become a famous painter or something~ So, as you have read, my career/copywriting journey is far from linear and far from over, but I know that I have to follow my dream, and my dream is to get paid for my amazing writing that can only get more amazing thanks to WORD TONIC!
Songwriting vs copywriting
(and why I refuse to choose)
~Roman Pittock~

Hello, hello.
It’s been a little while. Longer than I intended. Sorry about that.
See, the thing is, I’ve been making moves. I’ve invested in myself and my writing skills in the hopes of finding a career in writing, because I’m determined to make it happen. At any cost.
How It Started
I’ll avoid the nitty-gritty of my writerly background, because I waxed lyrical about that in my last blog post, which you can find here. To make a long story short, I’ve been writing songs since I was eight (that’s 16 years!) and I’ve been going to school for music since 2021.
I’ve also dabbled a lot in fan fiction, original fiction, and even writing scripts. I just love to write. ANYTHING. As long as it sparks joy, that is.
But that’s the thing about me: I’m very excitable. If something tickles even the slightest bit of my fancy, you can bet I’ll be writing about it by the end of the week, be it a cheesy fanfic about my favourite couple in a TV show, a musical heavily inspired by my favourite media or tropes, or an analysis of my latest song obsession.
Let’s just say, my desire to write professionally isn’t out of nowhere. In fact, I’m shocked it’s taken me this long to pursue it.
But how does one make writing a full-time job with no “professional” portfolio or credentials to back them up?
You go through Word Tonic.
That’s right! I’m proud to say, after seeing many a meme-filled Instagram ad from Word Tonic about making copywriting a viable job for Gen-Z writers like me, I’ve been hooked. It’s my time to turn my lifelong passion into my rest-of-my-life-long job.
How It’s Going
I’ll admit, I haven’t been as on top of things as I’d like to say I’ve been. I could easily lie and say I’ve been off doing miraculous things, but I always prefer the truth. And the truth is? I’ve been depressed. I’ve been stuck in the apartment most days, and whenever I do go out and do groceries or spend time with friends, that’s a major win for me.
See, back in June, I was diagnosed with sciatica (basically, my back muscles hate me). And after a lot of thought, I quit my job in September. Since then, I’ve been struggling to keep my chin up. But Word Tonic has given me hope for a future of doing something I actually love. And since I started going to the gym to get my body back in working order, I’m feeling better than I ever have. That sounds like hyperbole. It’s not.
So now, I’m getting back into the swing of things. I’m writing as often as my depression will let me (perks of having an actual disorder). I’ve written seven songs in the past two weeks. I’ve completed my submission for Word Tonic’s next anthology (coming this January!). And I’ve enrolled in yet another year of school, this time to learn about music business and artist development.
That sounds like a lot, though, so which will come out on top?
How It’s Going to Be
I worried that when I mentioned my new goal to learn to copywrite with Word Tonic to my family, they would think I would quit music. And I would have laughed. Hard. There’s no way in hell I’d ever give up on music. It’s such an intrinsic part of me that I wouldn’t know who I’d be if I ever stopped.
But they didn’t.
My parents just said, “okay.” My boyfriend and other friends were chill with it, too. Because I have the great fortune of being surrounded by people who believe in me. People who are so supportive and so encouraging. And for them, I’m eternally grateful.
My mom especially. Never once in my entire life has she made me feel inferior, or like I’m stupid, or I can’t do something I want to do. She’s the reason I am who I am. Her support through each of my endeavours in life has shaped me into the resilient person I like to think I am today.
When I told her about my copywriting goals, she didn’t say, “What about music?” or “Aren’t you too young?” No, she just said, “okay.”
Because in our family, it’s never a matter of Plan A vs. Plan B. We don’t believe in that stuff. To me, if you’re already making a “Plan B,” you may not be fully committed to your “Plan A.” If you want something, go for it – no excuses, no “if X happens, then I’ll do Y,” no doubting yourself. You’re too cool to doubt yourself. Call me conceited, but I think I’m too cool to doubt myself, too. To restrict myself to just one potential future seems silly.
For me, whatever happens, happens. I’ll work toward any and all of my goals, because I believe all of them are possible. I don’t believe there’s just one possible future out there for me.
I love music, so I’m going to keep going to school to learn about it.
I love songwriting, so I’m going to keep doing it, and soon I’m going to put out my debut demo album.
I love writing scripts, and one day I’m going to direct my own musical.
I love writing, and one day I’m going to publish my own book.
But all that will be in good time. There’s no limit to what I can accomplish except for the limits I impose on myself, so the minute I stop limiting myself is the minute anything becomes possible. I will do all of the above. There’s no special order it needs to be done in. There’re no ifs or buts, only ands. I can be a songwriter, and I can be a copywriter, and I can be a director, and I can do anything else I put my mind to.
It’s as simple as believing I can.
Keep looking forward,
Roman Ellis
Why copywriting made
me less jaded
~Emma Lawrence~
Imagine you’ve just finished Uni. You’re lost, confused, and have no clue what to do next. Well-meaning relatives and friends-of-parents ask, “So, have you got a job yet?” You grimace.
No, Janice, I’m working my arse off day in, day out, to be met with dozens of rejections. “I’m getting there,” you reply, grinning.
Since finishing Uni in July, this has been my life. Apply, receive rejection emails, rinse, repeat. It wasn’t how I envisioned post-grad life.
Best-selling author. Publisher. Or, worst of all…secondary school English teacher (sorry, English Lit teachers, I think you’re doing an amazing job). All of these career paths seemed to be slipping further from my grasp. I started to resign myself to the fact that I might not be able to use my degree (at least for a hot minute).
Then, enter…Word Tonic! Thanks to Instagram’s algorithm, their adverts kept popping up on my feed. I swiped past them at first, but they kept grabbing my attention. After a while, I decided - what’ve I got to lose, anyway?
So, with zero expectations of what might come next, I hopped onto one of their online talks. Almost immediately, they had my attention. As a copywriter, I could write creatively for a living, set my own hours, and work from anywhere? Sign me up!
Of course, it’s not as simple as this. There’s the spec work (think imaginary ads). There’s the portfolio-building. And, of course, there’s the “putting yourself out there” (I’m still figuring this one out).
But, beneath it all, I finally get to engage with my passion.
Of course, it’s still baby steps. People say “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, and this saying is starting to feel more and more applicable to my own life. But, little by little, I’m starting to figure things out.
What do I want? God, that’s a minefield of a question. What do I want? It’s hard to give a tangible answer, but I guess I could start here: I want to be creative. I want to connect. I want to feel like what I’m doing’s worth something.
As a “fresh undergrad” (I know, ewwww), it’s easier said than done to find any of these things. Sometimes, you have to take what you can get. Whether that’s the admin role or the shop job you didn’t originally see yourself in.
But, somewhere along the line, you have to question yourself: Am I making steps towards something I’m passionate about? If your answer to this question’s no, you’re certainly not alone. Let’s not forget the shitstorm that is the current cost-of-living crisis. We’ve got to pay the rent somehow, and sometimes, passion doesn’t come into that.
Despite all this, I still don’t feel jaded. And a large part of that’s thanks to Word Tonic. By using their course and other community tools, I know that I can keep on learning skills and writing copy, little-by-little, day-by-day. I don’t need to work insane hours. I’m keeping in mind what my secondary school Spanish teacher used to tell us (shout-out to Juan Gomez): “Little and often.”
In other words, if you keep working at something in bite-size, consistent chunks, you’ll get there. The older I get, the more I realise – it’s not worth sacrificing your mental or physical health for a faraway future goal. While dreaming big is fab, it’s important to break it down. Okay, so you want your ad to be in New York Times square. That’s amazing! But, you need to ask yourself: how will you get there?
While on this journey, I’ve also learned some days will be better than others. There’ll be times when you’re so sick of staring at your laptop that the screen’s words merge into one. This is when it’s time to leave your desk. You could call or text a friend. Or maybe going for a walk does wonders to clear your head. Whatever works to break you out of your creative (or general) funk.
Here’s a creative metaphor I love. Word Tonic’s founder, Carolyn, described her creative journey using the idea of a mountain. She imagined each of her new goals as another mountain to climb. I love this metaphor for multiple reasons:
It reminds you that, as cliched as it sounds, this is a marathon, not a sprint.
It gives you the space to ask yourself, How will I get over the next mountain?
It validates the fact that, as exciting as each goal can be, it’s still really challenging, and you’re doing an amazing job.
So, is copywriting the career for you? Of course, I’m not here to answer that for you. But I am here to remind you that you deserve to love what you do for a living. You deserve to feel that your work aligns with your passions. And, above all, you deserve to feel that what you do matters.
Being a twenty-something right now is so strange. Sometimes, it’s extremely shitty. It’s so easy to hop onto LinkedIn or Facebook or god-knows-where-else and feel disillusioned. Comparison is a cruel, easy trap that catches us all from time to time. But, I can say that, even when it doesn’t feel like it…
Your voice matters.
We all have a unique voice that’s crying out to be heard, that’s just waiting for the right person to find it. My question to you is – what’s yours and how will you find it?
How to write in a way that
doesn't give people the ick
~Kenn Bailey~

Okay, let's be super real: this is not a guide, this is a cry for help.
Or at least, it was.
I'm not actually new to writing copy—I've managed a handful of social media pages, written for various blogs, and crafted promotional content that probably sold more than I realized. I just didn’t know that I was supposed to call myself a copywriter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But when I decided to get serious in my copywriting journey, a lot of the advice I found was bad. Sloppy examples, half-baked Youtube videos from get-rich-quick schemers—mountains of garbage out there.
And tbh, I don't have time for garbage—not to learn from, and definitely not to create. I wanted to learn how to begin producing good writing that draws clicks. Drives engagement. Doesn't make me want to scrub my name off of the work I produce because it's lowkey kinda embarassing (yikes).
But like... how?????
Oh bestie, do I have tips for youuuuuu 🥰🥰🥰
1. Put the phone down and look around you for once.
Or don't :)
Because copywriting is inescapable! It is the glitter on your bedroom floor months after you decided to have a craft night. It's that relentless 30-second jingle from those quirky credit report commercials that's been stuck in your head since the late 00s.
Copywriting is on your bus ride, your social media feed, your oatmilk container.
And while I personally resent the capitalistic-advertising-hellscape as much as the next angsty twenty-something, a lot of well-written copy is actually pretty funny.
So I, insufferable nerd, have given myself homework (shocker): to pay attention to good copy.
You can take a mindfulness walk and photograph the billboards, the posters, the ads they put up by the bus stops and outside of stores and on paper fliers scattered around the city.
Or! Even better! You can embrace your rotting iPad kid brain and let good copywriting come to you—if you scroll long enough, it will. Trust.
A tip I got from Carolyn McMurray: make a folder to save the types of copy that really do the damn thing. Make ya laugh. Make ya think. Make ya read.
If you're a real nerd (I am!), scribble 'em up like an old college notebook! WHY is this funny? WHY did it grab my attention? If you can identify that, you have a better attempt at replicating that in your own style.
Speaking of...
2. Figure out your style!
Cottagecore? Clean girl? Dark academia? Mailmancore grandpa vibes????
No I'm fully kidding, I'm not trying to influence you to buy a new wordrobe based off a hyper-curated TikTok aesthetic designed by literal teenagers.
I mean find your writing style. And stick to it.
People like to hear from real people, not soulless corporations or robotic, faceless manuscripts.
You're funny, you have a distinct sense of personality, and people like talking to you (these are your ✨affirmations✨for the day, you're welcome!!!)—write how you speak.
Or write how you text!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖
But know that finding a voice that reflects who you are will not only make your writing more interesting, it will connect with your reader. Two birds, baby.
3. Make some connections
Okay so I'm writing. But like....... what do I do? Where do I look? Is there a place to put all of my immense talent and wit and potential?
..... idk, you should ask around!
No but seriously, I really gave myself the push I needed after I joined Word Tonic, a copywriting community for other Gen Z writers like myself.
In this community, not only was I able to access tons of resources (like masterclasses, briefs, challenges, advice)—I have also been able to connect with real people. People who inspire me! People who interact with my work! Potential mentors and connections and feet in the proverbial doors!!!!
And it's made me more productive (In part because of all the resources, and in part because of my inconquerable desire to be a valued member of a community. C'est la vie, babes).
4. Okay but wait... how are any of these things going to help me prevent cringe?
Ope, caught me 😬 awkward.
I'm going to be so real w/ you rn...
I literally do not know.
I have written a LOT in my adult life. And beloved.... some of what I've written has given me the ick!!!!!!
To write well means that you need to write shittily sometimes too. If you're serious about your copywriting journey—intentionally researching good examples, putting in the practice, building those important connections—you're going to write something really good.
Maybe several somethings ;)
But also? Some of it will suck.
And we keep on writing anyway.
Because we're good at it. Because we're committed. Because it's fun.
Or... maybe just because!!! 🤪
You read allllllll the way DOOOOOOOWN.
You've clearly got the HOTS for us, so join us.
You've heard stories. You've heard reviews. But now it's your chance to begin your own lil professional copywriting journey...
And remember.
We. Are. So. Chill.
Cancel whenever.
Learn + enjoy.
You'll never know if you don't try.
Come on. This is getting weird now. Stop reading. Start doing. Go join us.
Bleep bloop bleb.
(we're literally making you say joogly butt, are you okay?)
Whatever, we're gonna dip now. We'll see you on the other BRIGHT BRIGHT SIDE OF WORD TONIC; we'll be waiting for you there with a sandwich x