You might look up ‘copywriting course’ and suddenly you have links and courses coming out of your EARS - how are you supposed to sift through them all?!
This blog is gonna simplify all that down for you in an honest, totally unbiased way as I endeavour to evaluate some of the most popular courses you could take on your journey to becoming a copywriter.
So, strap in, babe. We’re going on a RIDE.
What is a copywriting course?
If you’ve ever wondered how to become a copywriter from scratch, then a copywriting course is a fab way to learn the basics (and beyond) as well as getting the lay of the metaphorical land. Where should you begin? Where do you go from there? Which way is up?
Different courses will offer you slightly different things, but the bottom line is: a copywriting course is a place to START.
Not only that, but a copywriting course is going to develop your writing, look good on your CV, and - not to be cheesy - help you realise your fucking amazing potential.
Why should you take a copywriting course?
Gives you a certification you can show off to employers - anyone can say they’re a writer, a copywriting course gives you cold hard PROOF that you’ve been trained up on all the important stuff like SEO, CTAs, what the hell is going on with AI, and other terms an amateur may not be familiar with.
A course offers guided, step-by-step learning. Entering a new field can be pretty freaking scary. Plunging into the deep end doesn’t work for everyone, so put on those floaties and learn to swim before you jump into the water, babes - that’s what a copywriting course does for you.
Holds you accountable. I know, I know, you keep saying you’re going to try copywriting and whip up a portfolio, but when are you ACTUALLY going to sit your butt down and get going? By signing up to a course, you are making a commitment to yourself - this isn’t like that gym membership you never use, bestie. This is something you are going to see through and you are going to SMASH it.
There’s loads of options out there and in this economy I don’t want you to waste one, single penny, babe. So, I’ve compiled a list of places to start - and their pros and cons - to make your life a teensy bit easier. I know, you love me.
The Word Tonic Become A Copywriter Course
The Word Tonic Become A Copywriter Course is the best thing to happen to the marketing industry since Nike came up with ‘Just Do It’.
Seriously though…
The Word Tonic Copywriting course is an online course written and run by mega-smart and successful Gen-Z copywriters, and it’s FULL of information for an aspiring copywriter.
What’s so great about THIS course?
I might be a member of Word Tonic but HEAR ME OUT, I am fucking Switzerland here, okay? Totally 100% unbiased, swear. These are just the FACTS.
The Word Tonic course is PHAT.
It’s hours of pre-recorded content and other resources. It’s got everything a newbie could possibly want to know, and even goes a bit further than that.

It doesn’t JUST teach you to write amazing copy for all sorts of mediums (obviously it does that too), but by the end of it you’ll have an actual portfolio. It teaches you about CVs and job applications, freelancing, how to absolutely kill an interview, accessibility in the industry, and a shit-ton more.
All of that and IT’S SELF-PACED.
We get it, you’ve got things to do and places to be. You might not have five solid hours to sit and dedicate to your learning every week. No-one will ask that of you here, my love.
Uni? Work? Life? The Word Tonic Become A Copywriter Course fits around that. You do what you can, when you can; no deadlines, baby. And the carrot we’re dangling to help you cross the finish line? A hot-ass snazzy certificate upon completion AND your portfolio will be ready to fucking go!!

Something you’ll notice in the other courses I’ll mention - they are mostly created by only one or two industry experts. Which leads to a pretty limited view of things (in my opinion). You’ll pick up some great tips from that person, but you might also pick up their worst habits too.
You might see where I’m going with this, but…
The Word Tonic Become A Copywriter Course has been created and run by a Gen-Z copywriting community! LOADS of people have contributed to it!
Like Ben Jennings - a 24 year old copywriter who’s won an Emerging Writer award

And Damaani Burns - a young copywriter who single-handedly wrote the script for Spotify’s Wrapped event in London last year:

That means you’re getting golden nuggets of wisdom from all kinds of amazing creatives, at all different stages of their career, so they are relatable, knowledgeable and fucking sensational!
And these brilliant minds can give you feedback personally on the exclusive course feedback channel in the Word Tonic discord!

You may be thinking, ‘wouldn’t learning from Mark with 30+ years of experience be better?’ And I’m not saying Mark is useless or anything.
I AM saying that Mark is a long way from where you are on your journey. Mark doesn’t talk the way you talk. Mark isn’t interested in what you’re interested in. Just maybe… Mark isn’t the best teacher for you.
You could be better off learning from people closer to your age, people who have won global copywriting awards and have written for companies like Spotify - YOUNG people who are DOMINATING the copywriting industry.
If they can do it, you can too.
Now, like I said, I am absolutely not biased at all, so in the name of balance I must tell you that the Word Tonic Become A Copywriter course is not free.
Could this be a con? Sure, you could see it that way, after all, the cost of living is called a crisis for a freaking reason!!
Enrolment opens November 25th - and there'll be a discount!
But you could also look at this another way. Loads of copywriting courses are in the £300+ range, which is CRAZY. The Word Tonic course is only £164 (for a course with 101+ lessons, THAT IS CRAZY GOOD).
(And we have Klarna as an option too 👀)
BUT WE ARE ONLY OPENING ENROLMENT ON NOVEMBER 25TH TILL NOVEMBER 30TH, so if you want in register your interest HERE so we can let ya know when it drops.
PS. After enrolment, the course price will rise to £399 - so make sure you get your details ON THAT FORM so you can get the discount and grab the course for £164 during enrolment week!
Honestly, the rest of this blog might not be worth reading - I feel like we already have a clear winner on our hands. You might as well save yourself the eye strain of reading and just go straight to the Word Tonic Become A Copywriter course and sign up here!
You’re still here? Still not convinced yet? Then you should know this course has even made CATS copywriters.

Just joking. But Emma’s cat - Gizmo - does like to pretend he knows what the hell’s going on.
2) Copyblogger Academy
Copyblogger Academy is run by two guys: Tim and Charles. The course is 9 modules and includes more than 30 hours of videos. It has some fantastic reviews on the website from copywriters at all stages in their careers!
One of the obvious cons of Copyblogger Academy imho is how difficult it is to find reviews for this course online. Sure, on their website there are a bunch of 5-star reviews, but they’re hardly going to repost criticism, are they?! It’s all a touch sus.
Seriously though, where is the Google review page? Trustpilot?
Someone MUST have reviewed this course somewhere other than the owner’s website. The fact I can’t find one… well, you be the judge of the colour of the flag that throws up.
Another con of Copyblogger Academy: you pay quarterly for access. Or yearly.
So if you’re taking the course at a leisurely pace to fit around life… that could wind up costing you more. Just something to bear in mind.
3) The Creative Copywriting Academy
The Creative Copywriting Academy promises not just a certificate upon completion of their course, but a website and a portfolio too! It sounds pretty sweet, and it actually has reviews on Google to back it up, but is it as great as it seems?
Well, one thing I did find when researching for this blog is that the majority of the content on this course was written and delivered by the founder, Konrad Sanders.
He’s worked with some TRÈS famous brands like TikTok and Hyundai - which, kudos where they are due, is super impressive!
But… he’s been ‘in the biz’ for more than 10 years (in his own words). And most of the course seems to be from his perspective, aside from the team he has on-hand to handle questions and feedback.
4) The Free Copywriting Course:
This course is out there for those of you who are literally at day 1 - you might not even know what copywriting is!
Obviously, the biggest pro of this course is that it doesn’t cost the big bucks. In fact, it doesn’t cost ANY bucks. And while that is admirable and may be worth a peruse if you have a mild curiosity about copywriting, the course is only 25 mins long…
I don’t know about you, but if I am looking to learn a craft, 25 mins isn’t really going to cut the mustard. I’ve spent way more than 25 mins on Duolingo and my Spanish es still no muy bueno.
Whether this course is enough to give you confidence in a whole new industry… you can decide for yourself on that one, bestie.
So, what is the best copywriting course for you?
I realise I’ve presented you with an IMPOSSIBLE choice here.
How are you supposed to decide when I’ve presented such a fair and balanced argument?!
Some things to think about when choosing a copywriting course are:
Does it teach you about the things you WANT to know?
Check out the course descriptions! Does it cover everything you’re interested in like AI and SEO? If you can’t find a comprehensive list of what the course covers…
maybe think twice about spending any money, babe!
Will it fit around your life?
Do you want classes and contact-hours or do you want flexibility? Young people are generally busy fucking bees, so don’t choose a course that doesn’t work with your school/job/life!
What do YOU want to get out of it?
Think about which course appeals the most to YOU. Is it community, networking, the certification, writing in a way that resonates with young people? All of the above? What do you want to get out of this the most?
In my most humble opinion, one of these options stands above the rest. You know which one, don’t you?
(Psst, it’s this one).
For real though, the Word Tonic Become A Copywriter course has been a labour of absolute love by the founders of Word Tonic and members of the community. It’s written by young copywriters FOR young copywriters, not for a cash-grab (like SOME courses out there).
Now for the big guns…
It didn’t seem fair to mention it earlier, but now we’re at the end… It’s officially been declared: the Word Tonic Become A Copywriter course makes you HOT.* How many courses can say that?!
*to employers, that is. So register your interest to stay in the know for when enrolment opens x